September Update - From the Local President


The 2022 National Agreement will expire on September 20, 2025. Although, it should be noted that one general wage increase (1.3% - Effective November 16, 2024) and one Cost of Living Adjustment (the second full pay period after the release of the January 2025 Index) are still upcoming.


On September 9th, the National Union issued a nation-wide call for bargaining proposals from Members and Local Unions. This provides every Member with an opportunity to provide their input on the terms of our next contract. All proposals must be submitted by January 31, 2025. Formal bargaining will begin in June of 2025. We are about to embark down the road toward the 2025 National Agreement.


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Contract Proposal Form

2024 Convention Pictures Posted to Photo Galleries

August Update - From the Local President


The 2024 Local 323 Organizing Drive will soon be coming to its conclusion. While the Local Union will continue to provide a monetary incentive under the provisions of our Bylaws, the opportunity to receive the $100.00 enrollment incentive will expire at the end of September. Until then, any Member who recruits a non-member will receive a $100.00 check from the Local Union once the dues withholding has commenced. The 1187 Forms needed to enroll non-members into the Union as well as a list of the non-members in your Branch are available from your Branch Union office.


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July Update - From the Local President


My initial thoughts for this month’s column involved considering a theme of the “turmoil has begun.” But does the turmoil ever stop? Day after day in the facilities throughout both States there is no shortage of turmoil. When did it begin, who can say.


Maybe it began with Benjamin Franklin.


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Picnic Pictures Posted to Photo Galleries

Pictures from this year's metro area picnic have been posted to the photo galleries. Take a look and maybe you'll see yourself or someone you know. It was a fun event and a great time was had by all.


Photo Galleries

Matt Lopez

2024 Matt Lopez - Local 323 Scholarship Awarded

The Local Union Council was once again confronted with a difficult decision regarding the selection of a recipient for this year's Matt Lopez – Local 323 Scholarship. Several applications were submitted, all the applicants were well qualified, and every applicant received votes.


The successful applicant, and this year’s recipient of the Matt Lopez – Local 323 Scholarship, is Jermond Gonzales. Jermond is the son of Minneapolis Branch Member Terry Swenson. The Local Union Council offers its congratulations to Jermond and wishes him the best in the pursuit of his education.

June Update - From the Local President


Let’s look down the road a bit. Where are we going to be a year from now? A year from now we will be engaged in an activity of paramount importance to all Mail Handlers and MHAs, contract negotiations. The 2022 National Agreement will expire on September 20, 2025, and around this time next year we’ll be sitting down at the bargaining table. So, when’s the time to start thinking about contract proposals? Well, how about now.


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