August 2024 Update
The 2024 Local 323 Organizing Drive will soon be coming to its conclusion. While the Local Union will continue to provide a monetary incentive under the provisions of our Bylaws, the opportunity to receive the $100.00 enrollment incentive will expire at the end of September. Until then, any Member who recruits a non-member will receive a $100.00 check from the Local Union once the dues withholding has commenced. The 1187 Forms needed to enroll non-members into the Union as well as a list of the non-members in your Branch are available from your Branch Union office.
Turning to our activities in August, there is perhaps no event greater in significance than the quadrennial NPMHU National Convention. The Local 323 Delegation consisted of myself, Vice President Dean Abatte, Recording Secretary Aaron Kobes, Treasurer Jarred Hoover, ND State Executive Board Member Brock Engstrom, and St. Paul Branch President Edward Yun. During the five days of the Convention, the Delegate debated and voted on proposed amendments and resolutions assembled by various Committees. At the forefront were the recommendations and report of the Constitution Committee. The National and Uniform Local Union Constitutions are the organic law of our organization under which the National and Local Unions operate. While there were no earth-shattering changes made to either the National or Uniform Local Union Constitutions, the Delegates nonetheless adopted amendments which will allow our Union to function more efficiently and effectively.
The Delegates also received reports and recommendations from the Resolutions Committee and the Legislative and Political Committee. The Resolutions put forth at the Convention are probably best described as a list of good ideas. They represent the issues and goals we strive towards and help us define the culture of our Union. The work of the Legislative and Political Committee will be coming to the forefront later this year. Indeed, an argument could be made that the Postal Service has 535 CEO’s (i.e., Congress). The Legislative and Political Committee identifies both legislation we should support and legislation we should oppose. This is also true with respect to the candidates we should support for office. It should be noted that no monies received from Member dues are ever used to support or oppose any candidate for political office; and, it has long been the philosophy of the NPMHU to support candidates who support our issues and the Postal Service irrespective of party affiliation. Funds donated to support political candidates are provided solely through the voluntary contributions of Members made through the Mail Handler Political Action Committee (PAC). If you are interested in supporting our issues and our allies on Capitol Hill, you might want to consider joining the PAC. There’s more information available on the National Union’s website and in every Mail Handler magazine.
Additionally, the Delegates received the reports of the National President and National Secretary – Treasurer. These reports were, of course, of great importance. They included contract administration accomplishments and collective bargaining goals as well as Membership trends and the financial condition of the National Union. To be sure, there was too much covered to be detailed here. Fortunately, the reports of the National Officers as well as all of the Committee reports and recommendations are available at convention.npmhu.org. You will also see many pictures of the Delegates at various events. Daily Convention updates were posted on the National website at npmhu.org. Pictures of the Local 323 Delegation at the Convention will be posted on our website in the near future.
I consider myself fortunate to have been part of a Delegation which comported itself with the appropriate decorum and professionalism. Perhaps more importantly, I was proud that the Local 323 Delegation remained true to its pledge of making every decision based on what was in the best interest of the Members of Local 323.