Mail Handlers Local 323

Representing Mail Handlers and MHAs working for the United States Postal Service

Local President's Page

September 2024 Update

The 2022 National Agreement will expire on September 20, 2025. Although, it should be noted that one general wage increase (1.3% - Effective November 16, 2024) and one Cost of Living Adjustment (the second full pay period after the release of the January 2025 Index) are still upcoming.


On September 9th, the National Union issued a nation-wide call for bargaining proposals from Members and Local Unions. This provides every Member with an opportunity to provide their input on the terms of our next contract. All proposals must be submitted by January 31, 2025. Formal bargaining will begin in June of 2025. We are about to embark down the road toward the 2025 National Agreement.


The topics of bargaining can generally be broken down into two categories, economic proposals and work rules. Economic proposals represent wages, differentials, premiums, Cost of Living Allowances, and clothing allowances. Work rules, on the other hand, represent the contract language which operates on the work floor every day. This includes things such as overtime, holidays, and seniority rights.


So, what does this mean for you the Member? It means that it’s time to make your opinions and desires know to your Union. Suffice it to say that everyone wants to see a better pay package. We need to make significant improvements in the pay received by all Mail Handlers and MHA’s. This is particularly true for those hired on or after February 15, 2013. Everyone is well aware of the situation and so is the National Union.


Changes to work rules aren’t needed so extensively. Still, there is room for changes that will make the work environment better. Personally, I keep a permanent list of ideas for changes to contractual language. I’ve been doing this for many years. Some come from our experiences in the grievance procedure, while others are suggested by Members on the floor or at meetings. I’ll be taking this list, reviewing it, and writing proposals for submission to the National Union. You can do the same thing.


Take some time and think about the changes you would like to see. Write them down or tell your Steward. We’ll be assembling all the ideas and crafting proposals to change our contract. This is the time to make your voice heard.




Contract Proposal Form